Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Getting out into The Yarden to plant roses today.

Superbowl Sunday, we went to Lowe's. Had the place to ourselves, obviously. We only bought six pansies, yellow, to start in pots for color. And couldn't resist the roses. They're called Knockout Roses and they are really thorny (not good for those avoiding scratches but worth it), and they are extremely hardy roses with dark-green foliage and loose, colorful blooms. Say they are resistant to black-spot. I believe it.

Some buds are beginning to pop already which is amazing my mom, but not me. In Memphis, slightly cooler and less humid, my roses did best in those slightly cooler temps and sandy soil where I live. Plus these Knockout Roses say they are winter-hardy. And even though Zone 7-8ish's winter was mild this year, my mom's one bush planted last year looks absolutely perfect, with baby/new growth burgandy-colored foliage to prove it's happy. We're going to plant two more by that one to fluff it into a proper rosebed.

Speaking of, I went to the doctor yesterday and seems like my platelet count stayed steady instead of dropping this time. Hmm. Doesn't that sound like someone growing platelets to you? It does to me. I'll know more this Friday. PS: Thank you, God.

Until photos, here is a nice, happy, beardy statue for you. Enjoy!

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