based on a talk today by Ross Olivier.
(Thank you, Ross.)
We're getting out in The Yarden. No, really. The weather is gorgeous at 48 degrees and sunny, not icy. The birds are singing, the bells are ringing for me and my gal. (Love Judy Garland tunes, can you tell?) Yesterday, I turned the compost, adding scraps and coffee grounds, eggshells, banana peels, feeding the earth for The Yarden. We've got big plans, starting with those roses to be planted.
Photos this afternoon...
Speaking of Judy Garland, There is a popular new group on Yahoo called THE JUDY GARLAND EXPERIENCE. They have amazing rare audio files that are changed twice weekly, great photo's, lively discussions, and a membership that not only includes Judy's fan's, but her family members, friends, people who worked with her, author's of Garland biographies, Garland Historians, people who have created and/or directed film and theater projects about her, and many more. The only thing missing is you!
Please check it out.
Hmmmmmmmm....Dannnnn...Godwin? Is that YOU?? REALLY? Agghh!! HUG! And thank you for the Judy Garland link ~ I sang that all the way down the highway yesterday until my head hurt...and probably anyone's head hurt who'd have been in the car with me. Is that really you, Dan?!
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